Thursday, October 7, 2010


Do you like to be alone?  How do you feel when you are ?

Here is a video shared  by a friend with the question of  "What does being alone mean to you?"
I hope you watch the video and can answer this question yourself.

Here was my answer: "ALONE. Its a very special thing to be. To me it means that I am at peace within myself. If I like being with just me, than I know that others will like me also.
I can talk to myself and no one cares. I crack myself up much of the time with the goofy things I do, ......on purpose or not.
ALONE. Nothing to be ashamed of, or afraid of.
Learn to like who you are by being ALONE once in awhile"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

oceancolors-bonnielynnsblog: Pink Ribbon Month

oceancolors-bonnielynnsblog: Pink Ribbon Month: "October is the month designated to promoting breast cancer health, mammograms, research and pink ribbons. So many of us know a woman who has..."

Pink Ribbon Month

October is the month designated to promoting breast cancer health, mammograms, research and pink ribbons.
So many of us know a woman who has or has had breast cancer.                 

Many factors are linked to breast cancer risk. Some of these factors affect risk a great deal and others by only a small amount. Some risk factors you can’t change. Simply being a woman and getting older increase your chances of getting breast cancer. Other factors you may be able to change. For instance, leading a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of breast cancer. Understanding what factors may affect your risk can help you work with your health care provider to develop a breast health plan that is right for you.

Getting regular screening tests increases the chances that if you do develop breast cancer it will be found early when it’s most treatable. Self breast exams are a good way to become familiar with the way your breasts normally look and feel, so in between our yearly mammograms, if there are any changes, you will know the early warning signs: lump, hard knot or thickening; swelling, warmth, redness or darkening; change in the size or shape of the breast; nipple discharge. Be aware of your body and its changes. Become involved with issues of national importance in the fight against breast cancer.

Since cancer has hit my family four times in the last ten years, two of them breast cancer (both survivors because of early detection!), I made a promise to donate 10% of the sales of my art to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Milwaukee affiliate. I show my support by wearing a pink ribbon pin and hand painting a pink ribbon silk scarf.